Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 1

It is definitely time to Awake to the many things that are about to take place in heaven and on earth , natures clock has started with the first Koo Koo  of twelve  and the count down is under way.
I have all ways believed in some thing I called  " Progressive Degeneration " the eventual break down of every thing , kind of akin to the loss of motion when the pool ball slows down and stops on the pool table.
When that burning in your hart turns to a burn in the pit of your stomach ,  " It " as it is know , is the decaying husk of the seeds to every thing in this dimension, and as seed they must degenerate and die for life to kick start on more time.
  I have found that the return from wrong doing , the Carma , the motion  you seamed destined for , your harvest in life , will over take you , from very little seed , and most people eat all their good seed , never trowing it out into its place in the wind and soil , but being they do not desire to eat their bad seeds harvest , they inadvertently  trow it all out in the wind and where it  multiplies over and over.