Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sad Sad World

Reading the news today it seams there is nothing good ever to say , it just seams like every one has gone crazy, especially the leaders of the world and the top CEO s of the banks and major companies around the entire world. There is so much stuff happening in the economy that just don't make any common sense , like giving Corporations billions of dollars and they still go bankrupt ? and to multi - national  insurance companies ?  It seams we should get some thing if our country is giving them the largest premium in history, and what about all the other country's cant they help a little to ?
And the auto companies , what a crap full have they gave us , we gave them billions , and they took away jobs , and closed down old American icons . What I don't understand is this , If the car companies are going bankrupt , and we gave them all this cash , it seams to me that just may be our government got the cart before the horse  as the old saying goes. What would have happened if instead of giving all that money to the companies that where having a hard time of selling their cars , the government gave every American above the age of 18 a new car or truck voucher, where the company could unload their products and collect their income one citizen at a time , if the Government had of done that , there would be fewer old cars on the road , making all our our roads safer , and they would have gave the American people the vote of confidence , and let them know that it is the people of our country that matters the most,  not the " legal fictions " or faceless and heartless corporations  .  The redeemers of the vouchers could get ether a free car or a major discount , then they could afford to pay a little higher sales tax , and property tax without breaking the bank for them.
 But from every thing I see today , it reinforces my belief that money does not flow down hill , but up hill. So it only make sense to me that if there is no money to flow up hill , that it makes no sense to prop up the companies making the cars as more and more of their product will be sitting gathering dust and the only ones that will benefit from such infusions of cash will be the top  management of those companies , through their large salary's and mega bonuses , and the little man will get laid off , and will have to do with out the basic necessities of life while the rich still live in comfort  and opulence.   
 And the Big Banks , you know the ones we gave billions in bailouts  to keep them from going under , the ones that bought out the weaker ones , and still barely let the money trickle down , I think it was and is because if they let to much of it trickle down , before they know when the bottom is going to quit falling , they may not have enough to pay those Big Bonuses , and Fat Salaries and perks. One they know that if they let it out  before they find the bottom , that people might have to pay some one else with a quickly diminishing currency , and as the bottom falls on the value of money , it takes more and more of it to just get buy , not counting that it all has to be paid back  with interest , and that they will end up owning more and more properties as the market heads towards a crash at the bottom, simply by controlling how much they let out , and by this there is not enough to go around to pay the interest and by magic they own it all.