Friday, August 7, 2009

Working for a living

I was raised on a farm with chickens and cows  & a few horses , my Father , like his Father and  his Father before him ,where Farmers ,  with a down to earth  common sense typical of hard working people. Being the youngest of three brothers I was the baby and was treated that way , my Dad would make my brothers work on the farm , but when it came to me , well ,  Dad would all ways say it was just easier for him to do it him self than to show me how . Being small , this didn't bother me at all. I remember my Dad talking about  being proud of the work you do , and if it was worth doing in the first place , then do it to the best of your ability ,  be proud to put your name on it and let every one know that you did it. It's kind of funny that the work I was  all ways most proud of my Dad doing was work that he never got paid for , and that was  him helping his neighbors , He would work hard to help people.
  I remember as young as 5 and 6 years old  , my parents would take us to church,  at Mountain Springs  Missionary  Baptist Church , most of my Mothers family went there , of how no one would smoke in church , but the second the service was over all the men would be out front of the church smoking , I all ways thought it was strange how they wouldn't smoke in side the church but they would on it's front porch.
When I was 6 and 7 years old , I would have butterflies in my belly when the preacher would preach about certain things. I felt like God was talking to me when this would happen some times , so at a very early age I developed an interest in God and all things related .
As i got older I related the the pain I felt from working with the cures that God put on man when they fell from the grace of God. To me every one was saying that I had to work all of my life for a living , just a little bit of money, no enough to have the abundant life mentioned in the Bible.
What I don't understand is this , the number one subject in the Bible is money , and why is it that so few people have what it take to discus their money and what  the Bible has to say about their money ,
There is a word play on terms and meanings that is so simple , few people I talk about it with , act like they understand it.  It is so simple it is over looked by the vast majority , but more millionaires have been made with it , than any other means , and that is being a LandLord   , it is how a person plants their money in the ground , like seeds , to reap a harvest  of money .
I believe it is a lot easier to become a LandLord when a person understands fully why they would want to be one , than it is , just because they wanted to make  some money .
Most of my friends  work for money , but money is like water , when you get it in you're hands , it pours  through your fingers and its gone.  So if money  has the properties of water , and it all ways is in a flowing state , wouldn't it be better if a person could harness the power of the flow , and all the new money you put in grew the size of the flow , and you got every thing you put in , back out , and then it would continue to flow ?

    Now , I really don't care what any ones argument is  , but if they back any of their beliefs on the Bible,  before the cures of the fall of man , God , through the garden took care of man  , after the cures on man for falling from Gods grace  , man had to sweat to earn his living from the ground , after being evicted from the garden.
   Now fast forward a little while , and Jesus came to redeem man from the curse , back to his original state , and it is here I think so many people has had so much help misunderstanding it.
there are so many reasons why people reason them selves back under the curse , with out even knowing,  it . From pride , lack of education , to going to the wrong church ,
  Now when a person becomes born again , they become a new species , that looks just like the species they where moments before becoming born again , their spirit is replaced with a new one , but their soul is the same one , and their body is the same one , and it is up to them to grow in who they are.
So at this point they  no longer  belong to the species that is under the curse , the one that must work for a living.
So now you would be asking how does this new species  take care of its needs ?  It quits eating all of their seed.  They learn to live by giving , and it is here some of the word plays take place , the Bible talks about giving , but most people think that giving is just that , giving with no expectation of a return ,
that is giving in to some one elses laziness or  ignorance , in most cases.  The Bible says if you give that you will be given to .
  If you would exchange the word rent or lease for give , and the words pay , or payments for giving,  then you are ready for the win win of giving .
Now you can give your friendship to get friends , but friends wont pay your bills , unfortunately it takes money  to pay your bills , so it is money that you must learn to give wisely  ,  for a good return , here in this life , giving money is not a way into heaven  but a way to live the abundant life here in this life.
How do you give money wisely ? You must see it as seed to plant , and rental properties will return a harvest of money , if you tend to it , like you would your garden.  If a person want to live free of that part of the curse , you would need to give people places to live , the more you give , the more you receive.
And here is the best part , when you do it long enough , you become the master of your money , instead of money mastering you , then you are no longer a slave to money.
So it looks like this , you work for money , you manage your own money right and you get credit , you use your money and some of your credit to buy rental properties , now you have your income from working , and you have a harvest from your rental , that will pay you back all the money you put into it , and more year after year. Then you buy another rental  with the  harvest  from the first one ,  and then you do one at a time , with each one being a brick  in your wall  of security.
    So if you tend your garden properly , your harvest will grow much larger than your salary from working could ever be.
  So it would seam I am more like my father  than he would believe, I to am a farmer , I just don't raise chickens or cows for money  , I try to grow my money , with the least amount of work on my part.
Now the Bible talks about different kinds of returns , so 10% some 20% some 100% , and some with no return at all , planting your seed in stony ground , that is , bad tenants , and bad loans .
  Now if I receive a pay check from an employer , the Government take their part before I get mine , but if I own rentals , I only have to pay taxes on what is left , and if there is enough to pay taxes , then you would buy more rentals , and you would have nothing left to pay taxes on , so your rental holdings would have to grow until you wanted to pay taxes