Friday, November 20, 2009

The Beginning

Relative to this world we all have a beginning and a end ,  or at least I should say our body , as it began in the darkness of our bodies and came forth into the light , we became a human being , a three fold being,
some where before we were , we were , as spirit being , living in  the spirit world  ,  then as we became human , we were given a soul  to use, that lived in that same spirit world , where we lived , but could breach the gap , from there to here, as it was put within a frame work of flesh and bone , and we became who we are . When we die , our body stops , and goes back to the earth , and as our real self , we return back to the spirit world , from where we came.
So then from this one would have to ask , who where we before we were given souls and placed within a body here on this earth ? And why is it that we know more about our bodies , only one third of who we are , and so very little about the other two thirds of who we are , our soul and our self the spirit being that we truly are?
I find it interesting , the seeking for understand and truth , the desire for wisdom. It seams to me it is every where before our eyes , and in our ears, to meaning of things , both open and that which is hidden.
It was in the beginning , it is , and will all ways be , it was made flesh , to show us the way. Yet few see the meaning , of the word. The word was spoken , and the invisible obeyed and became that which was spoken,  over and over what was said became as it was spoken . When Man was created he had dominion over this world by his words , but when he fell from the grace of God , the cures of the fall was placed on man and his dominion was by force of his hands , and the adversary  of man was given power over this earth and what was in it. And man lived close to a thousand years  before  God destroyed the world and started over again , and as man lost his understanding of his words , he lost more and more of his life. Then God made his word flesh and sent Jesus to show man kind how to speak , as he spoke to the weather , the sick , the dead , to trees , and every thing obeyed his words.
Now understand that Jesus was a representation of our brother simply show his family how to use their spiritual  power that lays within the words we speak. He was not trying to be God . He was being a Man , just as you and I are , no more , no less.  He understood his words , that they come from the spirit , the invisible , and are the means where  by we can created any thing we desire  in this world .