Wednesday, April 6, 2011

ADD and the Hell of it

Unless a person has ADD they have no idea what life is like for some one who does have it , for some people that do not have it , their only understanding of it is from their lack of understanding of that kid that just will not behave , the one who wanted to know why they needed to sit down for hours , just because some one told them to , or that was constantly being told to shut up or be quiet . If you would just do this or do that you could be like us , we are told . From a young age we are diagnosed with this and with that , one label after another , this pill or that pill will fix us , make us more like them .  Conformity , seams to be the game those in power , from the youngest child in school , the employee on the job , the citizen on the street , all the way to the countries different from us , ( the smaller countries that is ) . In their efforts to conform us all they must first make ways to control and dominate us in little ways , first like slowly  turning up the heat  to boil the live frog , so that it , we will not , jump out , rebel , against those who do not justly rule .