Friday, May 20, 2011

A Good Day to Blog

 Rainy days make a little time  for piddling on the computer . In talking with my uncle Vic I discovered that not only did he like it but that my brother liked it enoughs to forward it to him , so along with the  only other person
( Donnie Holiday )  who follows my blog ,  I now have three people reading my blog .
 Just to let every one know I only get on here once in a while , if any one wants to commit on any thing I say I believe there is a place in my blog for them to do that. That would give me more to wright about in response to them.    The picture above is my first picture from my new smart phone , that forwards pics directly to where ever I want it . My first smart phone was a HTC and I thought I didn't like it because it was to big , so I took it back and traded it for a Motorola Blur , both had the Android OS , I have been thinking about taking it back for a smaller flip phone that was more or less just a phone , and not so dammed smart . But the more I use it the more I like it , and now I just wish I had of kept the HTC as  I liked it a little better as it had a few  more features that the Blur doesn't seam to  have and I could see it better.  It's amazing  where we are as a generation , from where we came , I remember when I was around 13 or so , my Mother and Step Dad went to St. Louis Mo to see my step brother , he was selling wireless phones , they where a big heavy brief case and you had to extend an antenna all the way to the ceiling ( in his apartment ) and it had a corded handset with large push buttons , he was selling them for around $5,000.00 and cost several dollars a minute to use it ,
and all it did was make voice calls . And now my cell phone is a better computer than my third or fourth desk top computer was . This should lead to unimaginable possibilities and profit for any one who has half an imagination . To day most people are walking broadcast stations as powerful as ABC , CBS , & NBC where in their first several years of operation. With the possibilities of reaching  tens of millions of people for free  with their cell phones and home computers.