Friday, March 6, 2015

Is It Not Time To Awaken From Our Slumber ?

March 2015 ,
   I've been thinking about the state of our nation and where it seams to be headed , and it has become difficult to keep a " Positive " outlook for the future , with All that is happening as I wright this , it is clear to see that We as a Country have been , Used , Lied To on every front , Deceived about all most every thing  and  Robed in so many ways it's hard to believe.
  I Love My Country , America the Great Gathering of All Peoples , but with so many distractions most Americans are  "technically asleep at the wheel " and are unaware or in some state of denial with their heads in the sand.
 Just ask any big  man , Have you ever been challenged for dominance because of you're size , and most will reply with a sounding " Yes ".
  Well my friends America has been and still remains one of the Big Guys in our world and as such has been and will always be under a constant state of threat for Dominance in the global arena.
 Now I have been telling people for years that America is not going to be the America we all have all known and loved all of our lives much longer , and that fact is truer today than ever. Today , for the first time in the history of America , over half of all people eighteen and older are now single , and more people sign up for food stamps every day, there are more companies failing yearly than new ones being started yearly, Our country's accountable debt level has reached over eighteen trillion dollars, and our unfunded liabilities around one hundred thirty trillion dollars , and just to clear up any miss understanding , a million seconds is 13 days , a billion seconds is 31 years , and one trillion seconds is 31,688 years.  Now if you substituted the term " dollars to seconds in time " our accountable debt would end up being  " 586,228 Years , and the unfunded part would read as 4,119,440 Years ,  yet so few seemingly intelligent people I personally know seam to be alarmed if only for their great great grand children and to hell with theirs.  Now I don't pretend to understand it all yet , cheap money and all , it does seam like cheap money is easier to acquire today in the information age than it was in the industrial age when one would have to work them selves to death for barley a little of it.   So I prefer cheap money .
  But I all so prefer Freedom , just one more thing being eroded from the daily lives of every American.

Sunday, February 15, 2015