Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Guns Make Society Safer

 In 1929 , the  Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953 , 20 million dissidents , unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
 In 1911 , Turkey established gun control.  From 1915 to 1917 , 1.5 million Armenians , unable to defend themselves , were rounded up and  exterminated . 
 In 1938 , Germany established gun control . From 1939 to 1945 , a total of 13 million Jews and others who  were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated .
 China  established gun control in  1935 . From 1948 to 1952 , 20 million political  dissidents , unable to defend themselves , were rounded up and exterminated .
 Guatemala established gun control in 1964 . From 1964 to 1981 , 100,000 Mayan Indians , unable to defended themselves , were rounded up and exterminated .
 Uganda  established gun control in 1970. From  1971 to 1979 ,  300,000 Christians , unable to defend themselves  , were rounded up and exterminated .
 Cambodia established gun control in 1956 . From 1975 to 1977 , 1 million educated people , unable to defend themselves , were rounded up and exterminated .
 There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults against the elderly.
  56 million defenseless people rounded up and exterminated because of gun control.
It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by law to surrender 640,381 firearms to be destroyed by their own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500.00 million.
  The first year results are now in , Australia- wide , homicides are up 3.2 percent , armed robberies are up 44 percent .  In the state of Victoria alone , homicides with firearms are up 300 percent.
  While law-abiding citizens turned guns in , criminals did not and still possess them !
Over the previous 25 years there was a steady decrease in crime with firearms but  that has changed drastically upwards in the past 12 months , because criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed.
  Australian politicians refuse to acknowledge  why public safety decreased , after such a monumental effort was expended in ridding Australian society of guns.
The Australian experience and the other historical facts prove it.
  You Won't See This On the U.S. Evening News, " Good Morning America " or hear  Brady politicians disseminating this information. 
  Guns  in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and , yes , gun-control laws adversely affect only law - abiding citizens . Network television is now increasingly talking in favor of gun control and needs to be reminded of history.
With Guns We Are Citizens;  With Out Them We Are Subjects.
During World War II the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were armed !
Switzerland issues every household a gun and trains all adults how to use them.
They have the Lowest gun related crime rate in the world.
Training of proper use of guns is the answer , not confiscation considering criminals won't   register their guns under any circumstance.

  Beware , Our Politicians Will Not Learn from these Facts;

CALL  Your  Congressmen  and  Senators   Now, Before It Is To Late.

This article was posted in the Springdale Arkansas Morning News and written by  Terry Evers   of Springdale.



Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

I am one that thinks that when some one teaches religion that they should be as accurate as possible in whatever  they teach. What I don't understand is  why would the majority of christian churches teach things that are apposed to the very Bible that they teach from . I think they have had a lot of help misunderstanding the very book that they base their entire beliefs on . Ether you believe what it says or you don't , it's  that simple . According to the Bible , Jesus was in the grave for three days and three nights , and  as it is thought , from Friday afternoon till Sunday morning , you can only get two nights and one day , now I have to ask you , is the Bible wrong ? or could it be the masses that teach the Bible ? I think we have been lied to .   

April 11th , 2009

I Think We Have Been Scammed !  Lied to and deceived , from the very top , and from the youngest of ages to the eldest , fools and educated alike , every color and every race , from our religion , and all about our money and how it works , and how to get it . what it is and what it is not .  The Golden Rule is not , do unto others as you would have others do unto you ,  The  Golden Rule is  ,  He  Who Has The Gold Makes All The Rules . Its not our government or any other government , its not the Jews , But it is a certain Jewish Family ,  they where the " Bauer  ' s " and they changed their names to  Rothschild ,  I think they behind the manipulation of the worlds economic crises , by control of the Illuminati , and as the head of the Skull and Bones secret society that heads the government of the most powerful country in the world , the United States of America , and its CIA , and by Multi  - National Corporations and Trust , and various other kinds of instruments of money and control  , then by out right fraud with their ownership of the most powerful private corporation in America , the Federal Reserve System , which pays our Treasury Department  to prints money for them ( a private corporation ) at cost , then they lend it "Our Own Money " to our Government , " that means it has to be paid back with interest to them , the FED , the to add insult to injury , they lend it to all of our banks , so when they lend it out to us the citizens of America , we have to pay the banks back , they have to make money , plus they have to pay back the FED with Interest , which is not even able to be audited by our government or any branch of it,  Our Treasury should loan that money to our Banks and the Interest should go to paying the operational cost of running a country, and not go to paying back interest on loans for war . We shouldn't  have to support to mega conglomerate of global corporations that supply the weapons of war from one country after another , Mega Corporations with private and limited ownership of their stocks by the retiring   ex-government officials , congressmen and senators . I believe that ownership in all means of war manufacturing  should lay with the government of the people , and if there is  a profit , it should go to  undercutting the cost of the citizens cost of living , and not fill the pockets of the people that have the power to cause war with hundreds of times the amount of profits most criminals could ever in a life time manipulate out of the people . When we have a country run for the sake of global corporations , we have a country that will continue disposing of its citizenry s rights and freedoms , all for the sake of profit.