Monday, February 4, 2013

God and My Daughter

It's a long story but I met my daughter to day for the first time , a beautiful young woman with a husband  and four children of her own . With more mixture of feelings at one time than I can ever remember having , I am so happy for her and who she is , I see in her my mothers answered prayers , my mothers christian spirit lives  on in her . I can not even describe the joy my heart felt not just to see her face , but that I could see who she was , a Christian woman who loved her family .
 Then with no less of feelings , Great disappointment  overwhelms  me , for who I have become , not near the person I truly desire to be.  So it is with wonderment that I ponder Gods timing , as it was him that brought her into this world , then took her away from me , and it was Gods timing , that she was brought back into my life , for his purpose


  1. Hey, little man:
    This is so awesome. The kids told me about it, but to see it is so cool. I know your heart truly desires to be what God wants, just as I do also, but we cannot let satan discourage us to the point of giving up and thinking it's too late to change. You're right about His timing; it's always perfect. She may be the influence you needed to draw closer to Him.

  2. That is wonderful! She looks like a beautiful young lady!
