Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dimensions within Depression

By the very nature of the word depression , it would seam then that the opposite  would be achieved from a state of constant growth , as the word depression is a definition of a action , a slowing or limiting of growth, with growth as the action . This then can be applied in the over all economy of a Country or Countries  , Sates , Corporations ,or  individuals . Another dimension can be a depression of a Persons Mind , a part of their Soul , that changes their state of mind .
 It is this state of mind that I have known well , from mild to the sever  over the span of most of my recollections, and as so the subject of my thoughts and feeling within this writing.
 Within my mind I dwell, a spirit being within this body of flesh I reside , to this I must confront where the action comes from , that would act against my growth , is it truly from with out , or is the world within where one should look ? Is there truly a war against my soul ? And if so , who then is the real enemy , and how do they work ? What then is Good and Evil ? Is is relative  from each person state of mind ? Would Good not be that which would bring happiness , satisfaction , pleasures , and peace , And would Evil not be that which brought sadness and pain , lack ? And Desire must be controlled with the strong arm of contentment , lest desire will over take you . Desire is but a tool to use in the achievement of possessing that which one would imagine in their Soul , and speak with their mouth . 
 So to speak the things desired  and never have any actions toward that which a person would speak  will only compound the state of depression . A person must choose what they want in life , growth , and the feelings that are intended to propel us forward towards what we seek, or a life of contentment with what they have , and accepting their own limitations , with little desire to change .

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