Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Progressive Degeneration

I have  thought about the terms progressive degeneration for many years , at different times the words and thoughts have just came to me , and how it relates to every area of life , from this physical  world we are so  accustom to , from the smallest atom  to the Cosmo , from friction , and death , from sound to light , from time and of space , every thing goes away in time . It is one of the laws of motion , the spinning and spinning around and around , from the atoms and even smaller , to the motion of all the planets in every Galaxy and from every Galaxy to every universe  . At the smallest levels of life ,electrons , protons , &  neutrons are held together by spinning around  the nucleus , similar in the way planets and stars are held in a spinning pattern by what we know as a black hole , that are so dense that their gravity field is so powerful that nothing , not even light can escape its pull .
 So it would seam that nothing in this dimension is designed to stay the same , every thing is in motion , and motion , by its very nature creates change , and it is by this change in space , that we are capable of understanding time , as it relates to our selves , and every thing we can see , smell , touch , and imagine .
 So life as we would understand it , is tied to this movement in time , and every thing is set on its own course , from its beginning to its end ,  and in the end , every thing changes from one form to another.
 The invisible ether , that all forms of visible matter is created from , once changed from the invisible ether to visible matter , seeks to return from where it came , the invisible ether .
 All life progressively degenerates  in the same manner as  all visible matter and substance. As any and every thing progressively degenerates , the very nature of space time and the laws of motion demand that change is the norm from the smallest to the largest , and with this change  one form is changed into another form , as degeneration happens what is referred to as death brings about new forms of life.   
From visible substance , matter , light , I believe  that all things  come from  the vibrations of the words that created it. And as all we seek to understand the theories of physics , we lack the understanding , that as our own world is created partly from within our own mind as if manifest its self in alignment with the words we speak, so to is the universe as we can see it , also came from the mind of God , just before he spoke it into reality.   So then to truly understand any kind of physics , one must then first have a understanding of the mind of God.
 The invisible ether can be compared to the ocean , with the ocean being our entire universe , and us located about half way to the bottom , it permeates  all around us , but we never see it ,  it is the air  we breathe , the water we drink , the wind we feel , the light and the darkness we need, it is every thing we are , every thing we will ever have. It is our subject , if we believe, it is  given to us to create that which we speak ,
It is the invisible matter that holds all things together , the means by which we experience  time  , as time is only relative to our  group of dimensions , space  , time ,from the  quantum  to  the Cosmo .
 And it is this time , or the movement  that creates time , that creates the state of progressive degeneration , as all visible matter seeks to return to the invisible.

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