Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Reading the Signs

By looking a person can see when a storm is approaching  ,but some times it is a little harder to tell when a economic storm is on its way , as a person must look at a variety of things  to see it brewing .
In a normal storm , temperature , humidity , wind patters , and a variety of other conditions all come into  play to create a storm. In an economic storm there are even more conditions at play at any one given time that effect the severity and duration of a given economic  storm .  In nature storms are a normal part of the balance , but in an economic storm , it is man made , and not necessarily part of a natural balance , as in  natural economic conditions  , balance is  the norm , and a economic storm is a natural way , of bring back a balance .
  Greed , and the Love of money , is the main reason we have economic storms , as people care more for money than they do about other people.
Now here is what I wonder about , ? , Why do people put so much value in money , as it has very little value . in reality , compared to all the things that we buy with it. A automobile is more valuable than than the money it took to buy it , you can  not drive money around town or across the country, you can take a taxi , but there is still a car involved. You can not eat it , it will not sustain your body , but you can trade it for any and every thing a person would ever need or want out of life. But get it clear , it is the things you buy with money that really have value . When you earn your money , the government takes their part before you get yours, then when you spend it they get more from every place you spend it , and if you buy any thing of real value , like land houses and automobiles , the governments of our country , from the county to the cities , to the states , and our federal government , and at the  top of all of  them is  the federal reserve  , that taxes you year after year , making it where no one owns any thing , they just pay rent to the different branches of our government.
So each person has storms of their own , created by their need for money , and the governments need for cash flow , and by the needs of every person and business out there that has any thing we may ever want or need . Every day there are storms , waking from their sleep to deal with the emotions of the day at has been set before them, and the emotional storms that come from dealing with the issues of trying to earn enough money to pay every body they owe , and trying to make what is left do all the things they hope and pray  that they can make it do , usually in vane , of dealing with the ass hole at work they call their boss , of hoping they never get really sick and need a Dr. , and most of all , with out their even knowing it , the stress that comes from not having the right education , and the right attitudes , and opinions ,about the things that really matter instead of knowing so much  about stuff that in reality  , matters so little.

  Then there is one way most people never think about when it comes to the storms in their  lives , and that is , talking to your storms , kind of like Jesus talking to the storm out at sea.
  A person has to be the captain of their own ship of life , and they must speak to the invisible substance and command it to come into alignment with the words that they speak , it will go and become every thing they ever speak. Many personal storms are brought on by their very own words , when they spoke the wrong things when their emotions were wrong , there by bringing them the things they spoke instead of the thing they wanted. Only speak the things you want in your life , and never give your voice to the things that you do not want in your life. As a person gives there voice to the daily thing they dislike at home and at work , they are ultimately commanding the invisible substance to keep bringing to them the things and circumstances that they do not want.
 And it is here that a person must know what it is that they want to get what they want. 

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