Tuesday, December 22, 2009

To Believe or Not to Believe , That is the Question.

I have all ways been intrigued by conversations about God and the Bible , and how so many people can accept  so much help in miss understanding the meaning of the Word.
 It seams like a total cope out when people want to rationalize meanings of scriptures down to their level  instead of realizing God  desires for them to come up to his level.
It is interesting to watch spiritual growth in people , there are similarities to watching children growing up. Like when you take children off the bottle , they have a fit , they want their milk , its all they know , and its all they need , Like wish with some baby Christians , when you try to feed them some meat from the word , they choke , and have a fit , its the milk they want , they don't want to grow up spiritually , subconsciously they know if they grow up spiritually , that not only will they be weaned from the milk , but that they will inevitably be forced to give up other things in their life , in order that growth may happen.
 One of the interesting things about Christians , is that unlike a child that will continue to grow and mature  naturally , Christians can by choice grow rapidly or not at all. I have know many people claiming to be a Christian , that had been most of their life , but where still spiritual babies , unable to devour the meat laid out before them in the word. Not understanding that the milk brought them into the family of Christians , but the meat of the word , was meant to empower them with the same power that empowered Jesus to do the things he did here in this world , so they to could do the same kind of works that Jesus did , here in this world . So many people talk about the Bible being their road map to heaven ,
and they have had so much help misunderstanding it  , that they will stay lost in this world and only benefit from the redemption that was purchased for them , when they die.
 A road map  shows a person how to get some where  , but do they get there if they don't travel down the road ?  No , but it is odd that so many people will rejoice over just looking at the map , some how thinking to them self , that they can stay where they are in life , and talk about the destination and how wonderful it will be when they just barely make it there.
  Hog Wash , what they need is to understand who they are in Christ Jesus , and what Authority , they have been given , What it is meant for , and how to use it. There are more spiritual abilities inherent within the species call Christians of just one of its members , than there are natural abilities in a hundred people that have never been born again .     And yet so few people out of the millions claiming to be Christians  ever demonstrate in their life the real power of God , much less use it to help any one else.
  It is every Christians responsibility to respond to the needs in their own life and their family , then to others that they come in contact with , with Gods ability , that he has freely given to us.  

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