Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Reading the Signs

By looking a person can see when a storm is approaching  ,but some times it is a little harder to tell when a economic storm is on its way , as a person must look at a variety of things  to see it brewing .
In a normal storm , temperature , humidity , wind patters , and a variety of other conditions all come into  play to create a storm. In an economic storm there are even more conditions at play at any one given time that effect the severity and duration of a given economic  storm .  In nature storms are a normal part of the balance , but in an economic storm , it is man made , and not necessarily part of a natural balance , as in  natural economic conditions  , balance is  the norm , and a economic storm is a natural way , of bring back a balance .
  Greed , and the Love of money , is the main reason we have economic storms , as people care more for money than they do about other people.
Now here is what I wonder about , ? , Why do people put so much value in money , as it has very little value . in reality , compared to all the things that we buy with it. A automobile is more valuable than than the money it took to buy it , you can  not drive money around town or across the country, you can take a taxi , but there is still a car involved. You can not eat it , it will not sustain your body , but you can trade it for any and every thing a person would ever need or want out of life. But get it clear , it is the things you buy with money that really have value . When you earn your money , the government takes their part before you get yours, then when you spend it they get more from every place you spend it , and if you buy any thing of real value , like land houses and automobiles , the governments of our country , from the county to the cities , to the states , and our federal government , and at the  top of all of  them is  the federal reserve  , that taxes you year after year , making it where no one owns any thing , they just pay rent to the different branches of our government.
So each person has storms of their own , created by their need for money , and the governments need for cash flow , and by the needs of every person and business out there that has any thing we may ever want or need . Every day there are storms , waking from their sleep to deal with the emotions of the day at has been set before them, and the emotional storms that come from dealing with the issues of trying to earn enough money to pay every body they owe , and trying to make what is left do all the things they hope and pray  that they can make it do , usually in vane , of dealing with the ass hole at work they call their boss , of hoping they never get really sick and need a Dr. , and most of all , with out their even knowing it , the stress that comes from not having the right education , and the right attitudes , and opinions ,about the things that really matter instead of knowing so much  about stuff that in reality  , matters so little.

  Then there is one way most people never think about when it comes to the storms in their  lives , and that is , talking to your storms , kind of like Jesus talking to the storm out at sea.
  A person has to be the captain of their own ship of life , and they must speak to the invisible substance and command it to come into alignment with the words that they speak , it will go and become every thing they ever speak. Many personal storms are brought on by their very own words , when they spoke the wrong things when their emotions were wrong , there by bringing them the things they spoke instead of the thing they wanted. Only speak the things you want in your life , and never give your voice to the things that you do not want in your life. As a person gives there voice to the daily thing they dislike at home and at work , they are ultimately commanding the invisible substance to keep bringing to them the things and circumstances that they do not want.
 And it is here that a person must know what it is that they want to get what they want. 

To Believe or Not to Believe , That is the Question.

I have all ways been intrigued by conversations about God and the Bible , and how so many people can accept  so much help in miss understanding the meaning of the Word.
 It seams like a total cope out when people want to rationalize meanings of scriptures down to their level  instead of realizing God  desires for them to come up to his level.
It is interesting to watch spiritual growth in people , there are similarities to watching children growing up. Like when you take children off the bottle , they have a fit , they want their milk , its all they know , and its all they need , Like wish with some baby Christians , when you try to feed them some meat from the word , they choke , and have a fit , its the milk they want , they don't want to grow up spiritually , subconsciously they know if they grow up spiritually , that not only will they be weaned from the milk , but that they will inevitably be forced to give up other things in their life , in order that growth may happen.
 One of the interesting things about Christians , is that unlike a child that will continue to grow and mature  naturally , Christians can by choice grow rapidly or not at all. I have know many people claiming to be a Christian , that had been most of their life , but where still spiritual babies , unable to devour the meat laid out before them in the word. Not understanding that the milk brought them into the family of Christians , but the meat of the word , was meant to empower them with the same power that empowered Jesus to do the things he did here in this world , so they to could do the same kind of works that Jesus did , here in this world . So many people talk about the Bible being their road map to heaven ,
and they have had so much help misunderstanding it  , that they will stay lost in this world and only benefit from the redemption that was purchased for them , when they die.
 A road map  shows a person how to get some where  , but do they get there if they don't travel down the road ?  No , but it is odd that so many people will rejoice over just looking at the map , some how thinking to them self , that they can stay where they are in life , and talk about the destination and how wonderful it will be when they just barely make it there.
  Hog Wash , what they need is to understand who they are in Christ Jesus , and what Authority , they have been given , What it is meant for , and how to use it. There are more spiritual abilities inherent within the species call Christians of just one of its members , than there are natural abilities in a hundred people that have never been born again .     And yet so few people out of the millions claiming to be Christians  ever demonstrate in their life the real power of God , much less use it to help any one else.
  It is every Christians responsibility to respond to the needs in their own life and their family , then to others that they come in contact with , with Gods ability , that he has freely given to us.  

Dimensions within Depression

By the very nature of the word depression , it would seam then that the opposite  would be achieved from a state of constant growth , as the word depression is a definition of a action , a slowing or limiting of growth, with growth as the action . This then can be applied in the over all economy of a Country or Countries  , Sates , Corporations ,or  individuals . Another dimension can be a depression of a Persons Mind , a part of their Soul , that changes their state of mind .
 It is this state of mind that I have known well , from mild to the sever  over the span of most of my recollections, and as so the subject of my thoughts and feeling within this writing.
 Within my mind I dwell, a spirit being within this body of flesh I reside , to this I must confront where the action comes from , that would act against my growth , is it truly from with out , or is the world within where one should look ? Is there truly a war against my soul ? And if so , who then is the real enemy , and how do they work ? What then is Good and Evil ? Is is relative  from each person state of mind ? Would Good not be that which would bring happiness , satisfaction , pleasures , and peace , And would Evil not be that which brought sadness and pain , lack ? And Desire must be controlled with the strong arm of contentment , lest desire will over take you . Desire is but a tool to use in the achievement of possessing that which one would imagine in their Soul , and speak with their mouth . 
 So to speak the things desired  and never have any actions toward that which a person would speak  will only compound the state of depression . A person must choose what they want in life , growth , and the feelings that are intended to propel us forward towards what we seek, or a life of contentment with what they have , and accepting their own limitations , with little desire to change .

Progressive Degeneration

I have  thought about the terms progressive degeneration for many years , at different times the words and thoughts have just came to me , and how it relates to every area of life , from this physical  world we are so  accustom to , from the smallest atom  to the Cosmo , from friction , and death , from sound to light , from time and of space , every thing goes away in time . It is one of the laws of motion , the spinning and spinning around and around , from the atoms and even smaller , to the motion of all the planets in every Galaxy and from every Galaxy to every universe  . At the smallest levels of life ,electrons , protons , &  neutrons are held together by spinning around  the nucleus , similar in the way planets and stars are held in a spinning pattern by what we know as a black hole , that are so dense that their gravity field is so powerful that nothing , not even light can escape its pull .
 So it would seam that nothing in this dimension is designed to stay the same , every thing is in motion , and motion , by its very nature creates change , and it is by this change in space , that we are capable of understanding time , as it relates to our selves , and every thing we can see , smell , touch , and imagine .
 So life as we would understand it , is tied to this movement in time , and every thing is set on its own course , from its beginning to its end ,  and in the end , every thing changes from one form to another.
 The invisible ether , that all forms of visible matter is created from , once changed from the invisible ether to visible matter , seeks to return from where it came , the invisible ether .
 All life progressively degenerates  in the same manner as  all visible matter and substance. As any and every thing progressively degenerates , the very nature of space time and the laws of motion demand that change is the norm from the smallest to the largest , and with this change  one form is changed into another form , as degeneration happens what is referred to as death brings about new forms of life.   
From visible substance , matter , light , I believe  that all things  come from  the vibrations of the words that created it. And as all we seek to understand the theories of physics , we lack the understanding , that as our own world is created partly from within our own mind as if manifest its self in alignment with the words we speak, so to is the universe as we can see it , also came from the mind of God , just before he spoke it into reality.   So then to truly understand any kind of physics , one must then first have a understanding of the mind of God.
 The invisible ether can be compared to the ocean , with the ocean being our entire universe , and us located about half way to the bottom , it permeates  all around us , but we never see it ,  it is the air  we breathe , the water we drink , the wind we feel , the light and the darkness we need, it is every thing we are , every thing we will ever have. It is our subject , if we believe, it is  given to us to create that which we speak ,
It is the invisible matter that holds all things together , the means by which we experience  time  , as time is only relative to our  group of dimensions , space  , time ,from the  quantum  to  the Cosmo .
 And it is this time , or the movement  that creates time , that creates the state of progressive degeneration , as all visible matter seeks to return to the invisible.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Beginning

Relative to this world we all have a beginning and a end ,  or at least I should say our body , as it began in the darkness of our bodies and came forth into the light , we became a human being , a three fold being,
some where before we were , we were , as spirit being , living in  the spirit world  ,  then as we became human , we were given a soul  to use, that lived in that same spirit world , where we lived , but could breach the gap , from there to here, as it was put within a frame work of flesh and bone , and we became who we are . When we die , our body stops , and goes back to the earth , and as our real self , we return back to the spirit world , from where we came.
So then from this one would have to ask , who where we before we were given souls and placed within a body here on this earth ? And why is it that we know more about our bodies , only one third of who we are , and so very little about the other two thirds of who we are , our soul and our self the spirit being that we truly are?
I find it interesting , the seeking for understand and truth , the desire for wisdom. It seams to me it is every where before our eyes , and in our ears, to meaning of things , both open and that which is hidden.
It was in the beginning , it is , and will all ways be , it was made flesh , to show us the way. Yet few see the meaning , of the word. The word was spoken , and the invisible obeyed and became that which was spoken,  over and over what was said became as it was spoken . When Man was created he had dominion over this world by his words , but when he fell from the grace of God , the cures of the fall was placed on man and his dominion was by force of his hands , and the adversary  of man was given power over this earth and what was in it. And man lived close to a thousand years  before  God destroyed the world and started over again , and as man lost his understanding of his words , he lost more and more of his life. Then God made his word flesh and sent Jesus to show man kind how to speak , as he spoke to the weather , the sick , the dead , to trees , and every thing obeyed his words.
Now understand that Jesus was a representation of our brother simply show his family how to use their spiritual  power that lays within the words we speak. He was not trying to be God . He was being a Man , just as you and I are , no more , no less.  He understood his words , that they come from the spirit , the invisible , and are the means where  by we can created any thing we desire  in this world .

Friday, August 7, 2009

Working for a living

I was raised on a farm with chickens and cows  & a few horses , my Father , like his Father and  his Father before him ,where Farmers ,  with a down to earth  common sense typical of hard working people. Being the youngest of three brothers I was the baby and was treated that way , my Dad would make my brothers work on the farm , but when it came to me , well ,  Dad would all ways say it was just easier for him to do it him self than to show me how . Being small , this didn't bother me at all. I remember my Dad talking about  being proud of the work you do , and if it was worth doing in the first place , then do it to the best of your ability ,  be proud to put your name on it and let every one know that you did it. It's kind of funny that the work I was  all ways most proud of my Dad doing was work that he never got paid for , and that was  him helping his neighbors , He would work hard to help people.
  I remember as young as 5 and 6 years old  , my parents would take us to church,  at Mountain Springs  Missionary  Baptist Church , most of my Mothers family went there , of how no one would smoke in church , but the second the service was over all the men would be out front of the church smoking , I all ways thought it was strange how they wouldn't smoke in side the church but they would on it's front porch.
When I was 6 and 7 years old , I would have butterflies in my belly when the preacher would preach about certain things. I felt like God was talking to me when this would happen some times , so at a very early age I developed an interest in God and all things related .
As i got older I related the the pain I felt from working with the cures that God put on man when they fell from the grace of God. To me every one was saying that I had to work all of my life for a living , just a little bit of money, no enough to have the abundant life mentioned in the Bible.
What I don't understand is this , the number one subject in the Bible is money , and why is it that so few people have what it take to discus their money and what  the Bible has to say about their money ,
There is a word play on terms and meanings that is so simple , few people I talk about it with , act like they understand it.  It is so simple it is over looked by the vast majority , but more millionaires have been made with it , than any other means , and that is being a LandLord   , it is how a person plants their money in the ground , like seeds , to reap a harvest  of money .
I believe it is a lot easier to become a LandLord when a person understands fully why they would want to be one , than it is , just because they wanted to make  some money .
Most of my friends  work for money , but money is like water , when you get it in you're hands , it pours  through your fingers and its gone.  So if money  has the properties of water , and it all ways is in a flowing state , wouldn't it be better if a person could harness the power of the flow , and all the new money you put in grew the size of the flow , and you got every thing you put in , back out , and then it would continue to flow ?

    Now , I really don't care what any ones argument is  , but if they back any of their beliefs on the Bible,  before the cures of the fall of man , God , through the garden took care of man  , after the cures on man for falling from Gods grace  , man had to sweat to earn his living from the ground , after being evicted from the garden.
   Now fast forward a little while , and Jesus came to redeem man from the curse , back to his original state , and it is here I think so many people has had so much help misunderstanding it.
there are so many reasons why people reason them selves back under the curse , with out even knowing,  it . From pride , lack of education , to going to the wrong church ,
  Now when a person becomes born again , they become a new species , that looks just like the species they where moments before becoming born again , their spirit is replaced with a new one , but their soul is the same one , and their body is the same one , and it is up to them to grow in who they are.
So at this point they  no longer  belong to the species that is under the curse , the one that must work for a living.
So now you would be asking how does this new species  take care of its needs ?  It quits eating all of their seed.  They learn to live by giving , and it is here some of the word plays take place , the Bible talks about giving , but most people think that giving is just that , giving with no expectation of a return ,
that is giving in to some one elses laziness or  ignorance , in most cases.  The Bible says if you give that you will be given to .
  If you would exchange the word rent or lease for give , and the words pay , or payments for giving,  then you are ready for the win win of giving .
Now you can give your friendship to get friends , but friends wont pay your bills , unfortunately it takes money  to pay your bills , so it is money that you must learn to give wisely  ,  for a good return , here in this life , giving money is not a way into heaven  but a way to live the abundant life here in this life.
How do you give money wisely ? You must see it as seed to plant , and rental properties will return a harvest of money , if you tend to it , like you would your garden.  If a person want to live free of that part of the curse , you would need to give people places to live , the more you give , the more you receive.
And here is the best part , when you do it long enough , you become the master of your money , instead of money mastering you , then you are no longer a slave to money.
So it looks like this , you work for money , you manage your own money right and you get credit , you use your money and some of your credit to buy rental properties , now you have your income from working , and you have a harvest from your rental , that will pay you back all the money you put into it , and more year after year. Then you buy another rental  with the  harvest  from the first one ,  and then you do one at a time , with each one being a brick  in your wall  of security.
    So if you tend your garden properly , your harvest will grow much larger than your salary from working could ever be.
  So it would seam I am more like my father  than he would believe, I to am a farmer , I just don't raise chickens or cows for money  , I try to grow my money , with the least amount of work on my part.
Now the Bible talks about different kinds of returns , so 10% some 20% some 100% , and some with no return at all , planting your seed in stony ground , that is , bad tenants , and bad loans .
  Now if I receive a pay check from an employer , the Government take their part before I get mine , but if I own rentals , I only have to pay taxes on what is left , and if there is enough to pay taxes , then you would buy more rentals , and you would have nothing left to pay taxes on , so your rental holdings would have to grow until you wanted to pay taxes 

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sad Sad World

Reading the news today it seams there is nothing good ever to say , it just seams like every one has gone crazy, especially the leaders of the world and the top CEO s of the banks and major companies around the entire world. There is so much stuff happening in the economy that just don't make any common sense , like giving Corporations billions of dollars and they still go bankrupt ? and to multi - national  insurance companies ?  It seams we should get some thing if our country is giving them the largest premium in history, and what about all the other country's cant they help a little to ?
And the auto companies , what a crap full have they gave us , we gave them billions , and they took away jobs , and closed down old American icons . What I don't understand is this , If the car companies are going bankrupt , and we gave them all this cash , it seams to me that just may be our government got the cart before the horse  as the old saying goes. What would have happened if instead of giving all that money to the companies that where having a hard time of selling their cars , the government gave every American above the age of 18 a new car or truck voucher, where the company could unload their products and collect their income one citizen at a time , if the Government had of done that , there would be fewer old cars on the road , making all our our roads safer , and they would have gave the American people the vote of confidence , and let them know that it is the people of our country that matters the most,  not the " legal fictions " or faceless and heartless corporations  .  The redeemers of the vouchers could get ether a free car or a major discount , then they could afford to pay a little higher sales tax , and property tax without breaking the bank for them.
 But from every thing I see today , it reinforces my belief that money does not flow down hill , but up hill. So it only make sense to me that if there is no money to flow up hill , that it makes no sense to prop up the companies making the cars as more and more of their product will be sitting gathering dust and the only ones that will benefit from such infusions of cash will be the top  management of those companies , through their large salary's and mega bonuses , and the little man will get laid off , and will have to do with out the basic necessities of life while the rich still live in comfort  and opulence.   
 And the Big Banks , you know the ones we gave billions in bailouts  to keep them from going under , the ones that bought out the weaker ones , and still barely let the money trickle down , I think it was and is because if they let to much of it trickle down , before they know when the bottom is going to quit falling , they may not have enough to pay those Big Bonuses , and Fat Salaries and perks. One they know that if they let it out  before they find the bottom , that people might have to pay some one else with a quickly diminishing currency , and as the bottom falls on the value of money , it takes more and more of it to just get buy , not counting that it all has to be paid back  with interest , and that they will end up owning more and more properties as the market heads towards a crash at the bottom, simply by controlling how much they let out , and by this there is not enough to go around to pay the interest and by magic they own it all.    

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Guns Make Society Safer

 In 1929 , the  Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953 , 20 million dissidents , unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
 In 1911 , Turkey established gun control.  From 1915 to 1917 , 1.5 million Armenians , unable to defend themselves , were rounded up and  exterminated . 
 In 1938 , Germany established gun control . From 1939 to 1945 , a total of 13 million Jews and others who  were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated .
 China  established gun control in  1935 . From 1948 to 1952 , 20 million political  dissidents , unable to defend themselves , were rounded up and exterminated .
 Guatemala established gun control in 1964 . From 1964 to 1981 , 100,000 Mayan Indians , unable to defended themselves , were rounded up and exterminated .
 Uganda  established gun control in 1970. From  1971 to 1979 ,  300,000 Christians , unable to defend themselves  , were rounded up and exterminated .
 Cambodia established gun control in 1956 . From 1975 to 1977 , 1 million educated people , unable to defend themselves , were rounded up and exterminated .
 There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults against the elderly.
  56 million defenseless people rounded up and exterminated because of gun control.
It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by law to surrender 640,381 firearms to be destroyed by their own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500.00 million.
  The first year results are now in , Australia- wide , homicides are up 3.2 percent , armed robberies are up 44 percent .  In the state of Victoria alone , homicides with firearms are up 300 percent.
  While law-abiding citizens turned guns in , criminals did not and still possess them !
Over the previous 25 years there was a steady decrease in crime with firearms but  that has changed drastically upwards in the past 12 months , because criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed.
  Australian politicians refuse to acknowledge  why public safety decreased , after such a monumental effort was expended in ridding Australian society of guns.
The Australian experience and the other historical facts prove it.
  You Won't See This On the U.S. Evening News, " Good Morning America " or hear  Brady politicians disseminating this information. 
  Guns  in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and , yes , gun-control laws adversely affect only law - abiding citizens . Network television is now increasingly talking in favor of gun control and needs to be reminded of history.
With Guns We Are Citizens;  With Out Them We Are Subjects.
During World War II the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were armed !
Switzerland issues every household a gun and trains all adults how to use them.
They have the Lowest gun related crime rate in the world.
Training of proper use of guns is the answer , not confiscation considering criminals won't   register their guns under any circumstance.

  Beware , Our Politicians Will Not Learn from these Facts;

CALL  Your  Congressmen  and  Senators   Now, Before It Is To Late.

This article was posted in the Springdale Arkansas Morning News and written by  Terry Evers   of Springdale.



Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

I am one that thinks that when some one teaches religion that they should be as accurate as possible in whatever  they teach. What I don't understand is  why would the majority of christian churches teach things that are apposed to the very Bible that they teach from . I think they have had a lot of help misunderstanding the very book that they base their entire beliefs on . Ether you believe what it says or you don't , it's  that simple . According to the Bible , Jesus was in the grave for three days and three nights , and  as it is thought , from Friday afternoon till Sunday morning , you can only get two nights and one day , now I have to ask you , is the Bible wrong ? or could it be the masses that teach the Bible ? I think we have been lied to .   

April 11th , 2009

I Think We Have Been Scammed !  Lied to and deceived , from the very top , and from the youngest of ages to the eldest , fools and educated alike , every color and every race , from our religion , and all about our money and how it works , and how to get it . what it is and what it is not .  The Golden Rule is not , do unto others as you would have others do unto you ,  The  Golden Rule is  ,  He  Who Has The Gold Makes All The Rules . Its not our government or any other government , its not the Jews , But it is a certain Jewish Family ,  they where the " Bauer  ' s " and they changed their names to  Rothschild ,  I think they behind the manipulation of the worlds economic crises , by control of the Illuminati , and as the head of the Skull and Bones secret society that heads the government of the most powerful country in the world , the United States of America , and its CIA , and by Multi  - National Corporations and Trust , and various other kinds of instruments of money and control  , then by out right fraud with their ownership of the most powerful private corporation in America , the Federal Reserve System , which pays our Treasury Department  to prints money for them ( a private corporation ) at cost , then they lend it "Our Own Money " to our Government , " that means it has to be paid back with interest to them , the FED , the to add insult to injury , they lend it to all of our banks , so when they lend it out to us the citizens of America , we have to pay the banks back , they have to make money , plus they have to pay back the FED with Interest , which is not even able to be audited by our government or any branch of it,  Our Treasury should loan that money to our Banks and the Interest should go to paying the operational cost of running a country, and not go to paying back interest on loans for war . We shouldn't  have to support to mega conglomerate of global corporations that supply the weapons of war from one country after another , Mega Corporations with private and limited ownership of their stocks by the retiring   ex-government officials , congressmen and senators . I believe that ownership in all means of war manufacturing  should lay with the government of the people , and if there is  a profit , it should go to  undercutting the cost of the citizens cost of living , and not fill the pockets of the people that have the power to cause war with hundreds of times the amount of profits most criminals could ever in a life time manipulate out of the people . When we have a country run for the sake of global corporations , we have a country that will continue disposing of its citizenry s rights and freedoms , all for the sake of profit.          

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 1

It is definitely time to Awake to the many things that are about to take place in heaven and on earth , natures clock has started with the first Koo Koo  of twelve  and the count down is under way.
I have all ways believed in some thing I called  " Progressive Degeneration " the eventual break down of every thing , kind of akin to the loss of motion when the pool ball slows down and stops on the pool table.
When that burning in your hart turns to a burn in the pit of your stomach ,  " It " as it is know , is the decaying husk of the seeds to every thing in this dimension, and as seed they must degenerate and die for life to kick start on more time.
  I have found that the return from wrong doing , the Carma , the motion  you seamed destined for , your harvest in life , will over take you , from very little seed , and most people eat all their good seed , never trowing it out into its place in the wind and soil , but being they do not desire to eat their bad seeds harvest , they inadvertently  trow it all out in the wind and where it  multiplies over and over.